Tuesday, January 25, 2022


The topic I chose is there extraterrestrial life or Aliens in other Solar systems and planet? The reason why I chose this topic is because there’s no right and wrong answer, it is just a belief if aliens are real.


At first editing was very hard for me in Adobe because is my first time using The software. I feel like the more I used to be Adobe the better I would be at editing and easier and quicker it would be for myself to get done projects.


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

blog 3

The press is an important part of a culture, the media's role is to scrutinize and spur debate in public society. The founding Fathers set up checks and balances in the government and the press is included in limiting the government from overstepping and keeping politicians in check. The media must pride themself in asking important questions to Chapelle the people in charge but also getting the facts right and sending important information to the community and around the world. The media also tells the truth in society but they also need to follow the laws. 

Watergate changed the way politics is practiced in today's society. Before Watergate, it was easy for politicians to use government-run organizations for personal reasons. Spying on competitors with the CIA or FBI, or using government funds to run political campaigns. In order to restore faith in the U.S. political system, senators pass legislation that combats the corrupting influence of money in politics; promotes ethics and transparency within government, and eliminates corruption at all levels of government. Providing people with protection against abuses of government power; and limiting some extraordinary exercises of presidential authority, such as the federal budget process, government practices for protecting individuals and personal information, and oversight of the intelligence community. The War Powers Act, 1973, which limits the powers of the government, was passed after the Watergate scandal. This law prevents the president from going into war without the approval of Congress. The Election Campaign Act,1974 this Act set limits to contributions and spending on campaigns, the Privacy Act,1974 Set rules for the government's collection of information about people. Freedom of Information Act, 1974 Gave people the right to see government documents about them. All of these laws help limit the government from over steeping into people's lives and also keeping the Politicians in check. 

 Irongate was a big scandal during the Presidency Ronald Reagan era. The national security council became involved in selling weapons and other activities that were prohibited by the U.S Congress. Under Ronald Reagan, the white house lied about selling weapons to terrorists in exchange for 44 U.S citizens who had been captured by iron terrorists. Congress had to investigate how Ronald Reagan managed the crisis. Irongate shows how even the most powerful person in America can not get away with unlawful acts. The media played an important role in telling the American people the truth about Irangate because President Regan was talking to terrorists and making a secret deal behind closed doors. Mainstream media outlets began questioning the government and various ways society works. Freedom of the press is the holds the key value of democracy.

Final Blog post

Final Blog post 
The early blog site consisted entirely of brief posts, each sharing a link and some of the people’s thoughts on the content within the post. Others quickly followed,, creating their sites to share their personal lives and thoughts. A blog is

an effective medium of mass communication, these powerful characteristics of blogs have attracted almost everyone. The media, corporations, companies, socialists, activists, and all have blogs that get updated regularly. Nowadays social media is used daily and blogs have begun to disappear since Facebook and Twitter are easier to use for mass communication. Twitter's increased interactivity and connectivity allow users to share content at a rate never before conceived, changing how we communicate online. Facebook encourages long-distance relationships and helps maintain friendships with those who have moved away. Family members can get closer to older relatives who adopt it and could be a way to reduce loneliness in the elderly. Both Twitter and Facebook have helped communication because more accessible all over the world through tags and sharing posts with friends and family. This medium of blogs, Facebook, and Facebook provides freedom of speech. As a result, anyone can write on any topic. Blogs, Twitter, and Facebook can also surpass the reach of television, radio, newspapers, and magazines, as they all cater only to local audiences. As the chart shows that most Americans are getting their news from social media than traditional TV. 

Blogs and social media challenge the hegemony of mainstream media because it is a free-speech platform. Mainstream media is influenced by powerful Corporations that push agenda-setting to the public. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter do not have agenda-setting. Blogs and social media is a tool for empowerment enabling the powerless to voice widely shared. For example, during Covid- 19, most of the Black Lives Matter movement was communication was done through social media. One of the main problems with free speech platforms such as Facebook and Twitter is the first amendment. They need to strike a balance between free speech and hate speech. Facebook and Twitter have regulations for hate speech but since 2019/2020, the platforms have stepped up their regulation for hate speech and misinformation. I have good and bad feelings about Facebook and Twitter regulation, on one side there needs to be a stop to misinformation and hate speech, but the larger problem is how the regulations are being implemented. Users are either deleted or blocked for posting false information, but sometimes the platforms get it wrong. At the beginning of Covid 19 Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all had warnings on each post about Covid. The user would be blocked if there was a mention of bats and Covid 19 in the same post. When Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram block users, it gets rid of free speech, and the whole point of these platforms is to guarantee free speech. As more research about Covid 19 emerges, there is a good chance the disease originates from bats in China, and for months, these platforms prohibited users from talking about it.

If Martin Muther King had a blog or social media he would have a larger impact in the world than he did in the 1960s. I believe Martin Muther King could be one of the most popular people on social media. He could easily set up mass events and marches throughout the united states and even throughout the world. Instead of hundreds of people showing up to the Civil Rights Movement, it would be millions of people at the movement and the movement would be global. I believe Martin Muther King would be one of the most-followed people on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. 

I like keeping up with my blogs. From my first blog to my last, my quality has improved greatly. I became a better writer by writing multiple blogs every week. The one piece of advice I can give future students is to keep up with the blogs and put effort into each one.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Supreme Court blog

The Supreme Court is the most powerful court in the United States. I do not know a lot of information about the Supreme Court besides having nine judges and the most powerful court. The Supreme Court gets 7,00 cases a year and only takes 100 a year. A trial to reach the Supreme Court and must go through trial courts, where the fact is established. The trial court answers the question like did the lower court properly apply the law and is the law within the boundaries of the Constitutional. When the Supreme Court started out it was not as powerful as people would think. The Supreme Court's reputation was damaged because of slaverly. Dred Scott claimed his Freedom from the act of congress and once the case went to the Supreme Court, they made the decision that the Supreme Court had no power to ban slavery.
The most important takeaway the Supreme Court provides to the American citizens is how the court draws the boundaries of government power, telling the President, Congress, and the states what is lawful and unlawful. A good way the Supreme Court makes its decision is base on history, in each case the Supreme Court, a lesson is learned on how to interpret the law, from free speech to criminal cases. The most surprising thing I have learned is how the Supreme Court takes its cases, there is a long process for the cases to get to the Supreme Court. Any case can be presented from a powerful law firm or a guy from jail. Any citizen can have their case in the supreme court as long as the Supreme judges take the case.

The Supreme Court video changed the way I think because I thought the Supreme Court makes new laws when need to but also rewrites the laws so it is applied better than how it was written before. History is the best way to interpret what is Constitutiontional and what is not. Each case goes through the Supreme Court to teach us how the law is applied and they view the laws.

Privacy blog

My family and I use our cell phones daily, and I do not want any of my information on my phone to be public. Privacy creates Boundaries, and when there are no boundaries, there is no privacy, which is a scary thought. In the first video, Juan Eriquez talks about how Tattoos are like online data, they are there forever. I do not want my cell phone date on display for the whole world to look through my phone. I knew privacy was an issue in the electronic world. Still, I did not realize how easy it is for, governments, companies, and apps to get any information they need from cell phones and computers, cameras to anyone in the world. What is the government doing to protect our freedoms from Software companies selling our information? 

    The government should protect our online information by coming out with laws for all citizens in the United States. In reality, the government is working with the companies to take your information for surveillance. Christopher Soghoian talks about how there is no way of catching only the bad guys without looking at other people’s personal information. The U.S constitution has laws for citizens to protect themselves from the government, and the government should be doing the same thing for online data. The government is not doing much to protect its citizens from invasions of our privacy, but some apps and technology companies help protect their users. 

    Luckily, technology companies care about people’s invasion of privacy. Apple is built on confidentiality by having robust software built-in all Apple products. When texting on an Apple phone, it uses IMessage, which protects the users, and Apple can not see the conversation. SMS texts messages do not have the same privacy as Apple. The Cell Phone companies like AT&T and T-Model can quickly look at all your messages and sell the data to more prominent companies or governments. 


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Blog 1

 5 News sources you get your information from 

1. Youtube

    I do not watch cable news, so I watch youtube videos from ABC, CBS Vice, AND ESPN. I think youtube is great for my fast lifestyle. I am always on the go, and I want information quickly as possible. I do not have time to watch the news. I can get up-to-date news about sports, politics, and weather. I follow basketball, football, soccer, and golf heavily to get fast videos. The best way I revise information is through videos instead of reading. I need to be careful about which youtube channels I subscribe to because many channels have personal opinions or biases to topics about politics and world news. I try to watch videos of trusted news sources. 

2. Spotify  

    I listen to podcasts daily. I like working out, walking to class, doing homework while I to the podcast. I listen to Breaking Points, Krystal, and Saager are democrats and Republicans. I love getting world news from this show because one person from each party with different backgrounds is talking about the news and facts. Many top news outlets have agendas and selling points they push to agree with one party and not the other. 

3. Joe Rogen 

I listen to Joe Rogen's podcast; the reason I love his podcast is that he's a normal guy who brings experts from the field of their study, and they talk for 2 hours. Joe brings on experts anywhere from science, politics, sports, and current events. Joe  Rogen is very good at talking to extremely smart people simplifies the conversation so regular people can listen to his podcast without getting confused. 

4. apple news 

Apple News is the only online newspaper I read. Since  Covid, I have been watching and reading more about the news. Before Covid 19 the I would never read the news be use it never affect my life but since Covid, I need to read or watch the news so I can keep up to date about Covid and how it affects where I live. In Pennsylvania, there are different roles than in North Carolina.  

5. Friends and Family 

Every Sunday I have family dinner, we talk about current world news, sports, and life. My political opinion comes from my mom and dad. We have open conversation politics, like talking about how we think the president is doing in office. Without my mom and dad have an open discussion with no judgement helps me have a political opinion and have different views of politics without my family getting upset with each other. Family dinner also helped me fall in love with sports, especially being super fans of the Philadelphia teams. My mom and dad are both huge Eagles fans witch made me fall in love with the team.